Blueberry smoothie

A simple and delicious smoothie for when you're short on time

Uncomplicated and delicious for those days when you need plant fuel without the fuss. What I love about this smoothie is that is uses only a few ingredients unlike a lot of smoothie recipes out there.

When it comes to smoothies, I’m a big believer that less is more. I like to focus on 1-2 flavours and bringing them out rather than using so many ingredients you’re no longer sure what it is you are drinking. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind a maca, salted caramel choc peanut butter smoothie topped with unicorn tears from time to time, but only when I’m sat in a courtyard and someone else is making it for me.

Often, I don’t have a whole heap of time in the mornings so knowing that only a few ingredients can create something delicious within less than a couple of minutes is more than enough for me.

If you are also short on time but want a hit of blueberry goodness, give this recipe a try.


P.s of you make this and share on social media I’d love to see your creations. Connect with me at @theplantritionist or tag #theplantritionist


Yields1 Serving
Prep Time5 mins
 1 cup soy milk
 1 cup frozen blueberries
 1 ripe spotty banana
 1 tsp nut butter (or more)
 1 small handful of baby spinach leaves (optional)
 Hemp seeds to sprinkle on top

Add everything except the hemp seeds and blend in a high speed blender until smooth. Pour into a glass and top with hemp seeds.



 1 cup soy milk
 1 cup frozen blueberries
 1 ripe spotty banana
 1 tsp nut butter (or more)
 1 small handful of baby spinach leaves (optional)
 Hemp seeds to sprinkle on top



Add everything except the hemp seeds and blend in a high speed blender until smooth. Pour into a glass and top with hemp seeds.

Blueberry smoothie

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